It was a privilege for ENWCML to be part of the preparations and event during the fantastic win for the Women’s England team at the UEFA Women’s Euro Championships. It was our job to ensure there were no electricity supply issues at or leading up to this prestigious event!
Events were held in stadiums around the Country but ENWCML were responsible for the supply to the events held at MUFC Old Trafford Stadium, MCFC Academy Stadium and Leigh Sports Village Stadium.
ENWCML were approached on behalf of UEFA to provide Engineers to assist with any potential electricity supply issues, before, during and after the matches. Senior Electrical Engineers, Stuart Broadhurst and Gareth Roberts attended the Leigh Sports Village and MCFC Academy matches.
During the Sweden Vs, Portugal match on the 17th of July at Leigh Sports Village, part of the flood light system supply failed. Stuart was in place within the match control room when he immediately noticed the issue and addressed it with the on-site engineer.
“We assisted the engineering team, located the problem to a circuit breaker which had tripped, and the supplies were restored immediately,” said Stuart. “As this match was being played in the daytime (and bright sunshine), the floodlight failure went unnoticed by the players and the crowd and the game continued”
However, following this, there was an evening game scheduled where the stadium could not risk the possibility of the floodlights failing again. ENWCML offered to support and sent our technicians to the site to inspect the faulty circuit breaker and electrical system which supplied the floodlights. A problem was discovered and rectified immediately, and the system was fully tested which ensured that the next game could go ahead as planned.
ENWCML received thanks from Leigh Sports Village and UEFA for our professional and prompt actions during the games and for the assistance in rectifying the floodlight issue. Well done team, and well-done Lionesses!